Sunday, March 24, 2013

Time Study A: Work, Sleep, Gaming

This second post is the first post in a series of time studies. Study A will include looking at a life where sleep, work, and gaming are the three main time points of life. Luckily not everyone in the world fits this category, but enough do in our current society to look closer.

Based on the first post, we can assume that on average one will sleep 8 hours a day, and work 5.7 hours a day to average out the week. In this study, we are going to add in an average of 5 hours a day on any kind of entertainment platform. This could get more complicated if we consider the fact that gamers stay up extremely late on the weekends, vacations, etc. Assuming just five hours a day, which isn't that far off when looking at individuals even still in high school, 5 hours a day would amount to just under 21% of your life.

If we use the 56.75% figure from work and sleep, and 21% from gaming, that makes up 77.75% of your entire usable time. That leaves a mere 22.25% left for family, studying and or self improvement, exercise, church, charity, and whatever else composes your world.

In my life, I have played several games, and I have also been an even worse representation than the number above. If you hardly sleep, work just enough to live, and dedicate the rest of your time to video games, you are spending even more of your time on something that has no relative value in the world. Video games cannot leave a legacy, change the world, create beautiful works of art, nor create lifelong experiences that turn into stories told years after you are gone. We are all given the same twenty four hours in one day. How are you going to use yours?

**More posts to come!**

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